On Friday, August 23rd from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., join your era building solutions team and 30 DC-based organizations in the Fairmont hotel’s iconic Colonnade for its 10th Annual Sustainability, Health, and Safety Fair.
Fairmont’s Sustainability Fair is free and open to the public. Guests will be treated to honey tastings from the hotel’s rooftop hives, and each guest will be entered to win some great prizes. Many of the participants bring complimentary samples for attendees such as baked goods and energy saving light bulbs, and era building solutions will be raffling off a Personal Solar Panel & Battery Bank.
The event showcases the eco, health and safety initiatives of over 30 DC-based organizations as well as the hotel’s own environmental program. Era will be highlighting recent energy improvements ranging from LED Lighting, Building Automation, and High-Efficiency Window Film to Occupancy-Based Room Controls, High Efficiency Heating & Air Conditioning, Solar and more.
Source: GoalZero, https://www.goalzero.com/
Guests will enjoy interacting with:
American Forests
Balance Gym
BMW of Alexandria – hybrid vehicles
DC Beekeepers Alliance – live honeybees
DC Central Kitchen
DC Fire & EMS – fire truck
Department of Energy and Environment
DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU)
Department of Public Works
District of Columbia Homeland Security
DC Office of Homeland Security
Era Building Solutions
Fairmont ’s Beekeepers – honey tastings
Food Rescue US
Guiding Eyes for the Blind – puppy raisers and puppies in training
Horton’s Kids
Humane Rescue Alliance – adoptable dogs
Keany Produce
Metropolitan Police Department
Northeast Maglev
The Nail Saloon – eco manicured
Trader Joe's, Foggy Bottom
US Green Building Council
World Wildlife Fund