The following information is current as of 3/16/2021, directly from the website of the DC DOEE (Department of Energy and the Environment), made available here for the convenience of our clients.
What is DC BEPS (Building Energy Performance Standards)?
The Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) program was set forth in Title III of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018. The BEPS is a minimum threshold of energy performance that is no lower than the local median ENERGY STAR score (or the equivalent metric of Source EUI) by property type. The Standards were created to drive energy performance in existing buildings to help meet the energy and climate goals of the Sustainable DC plan — to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by 50% by 2032.
DOEE established the first set of Standards on January 1, 2021. Standards will then be set every 6 years, creating BEPS Periods (BEPS Period 1, BEPS Period 2, etc.). These requirements build upon the success of the District’s Energy Benchmarking program, so if you are mandated to benchmark, the BEPS program applies to your building. As the benchmarking requirements ratchet down in square footage over time, buildings will be subject to the BEPS requirements in following periods until all buildings 10,000 sq. ft. and over are following the performance standards.
BEPS Period 1: Private buildings ≥50,000 sq. ft. and DC-owned ≥10,000 sq. ft.
BEPS Period 2: Private buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. and DC-owned ≥10,000 sq. ft.
BEPS Period 3: Private buildings and DC-owned ≥10,000 sq. ft.
The 2021 Building Energy Performance Standards and a Guide to the 2021 BEPS are available for viewing. Buildings that do not meet the Standard for a BEPS Period will be placed in a Compliance Cycle. The building owner has until the end of the Cycle to bring their building into compliance following one of the Compliance Pathways. More details about the Pathways will be available once the rule makings and guidance documents are finalized by DOEE.
The first public comment period on the BEPS Program proposed rulemaking closed on March 4, 2021. If you would like to see the proposed rulemaking, a presentation on the rulemaking, or Task Force recommendations, see the links below:
DC Register - BEPS proposed Rulemaking - Public comment period (closed)
Benchmarking and BEPS Proposed Rulemakings Presentation and Q&A
Building Energy Performance Standards Compliance Guidebook – coming soon
Current BEPS Threshold Minimum Energy Star Scores for common property types are…
DC BEPS Minimum Energy Star Scores by property type, effective 3/15/2021.
To learn more, contact your Era Building Solutions representative.