Even when the work that accompanies them is industry best, invoices are rarely regarded with pleasure or greeted with a smile, but we like to hope that some of ours are the exception.
Here's our favorite invoice to hit our Outbox this month...
We at era firmly believe that it is our job to act as our clients' trusted professional expert across all of the various technical areas for which we bring solutions to fruition...be they retro-commissioning, HVAC, lighting, solar, benchmarking, building automation, or any number of other services. We believe that being trusted comes with significant responsibility, and we see few circumstances in which our invaluable clients should have to deal with the pain of unforeseen surprises while under our professional protection. With these beliefs in mind, "Change Order" is a dirty set of words in the era building solutions offices.
“Original Project...$150,000.
’Lost’ Revenue from $0 Change Order...$12,996.
Knowing the client smiled at their invoice...priceless.”
Most of our clients depend on era for complete turnkey solutions, but we do occasionally provide services based on our client's specifications or those of a third-party. In such circumstances, we still stand firm to our values, leaving little room for compromise. Imagine this client's surprise when--in response to a request for a change order due to incorrect information provided to the era team at the time of proposal--they received an invoice for $0 stating, "At era, we deliver solutions, not change orders. Thank you for your business and your partnership. We look forward to continuing to earn both for many years to come."
At the end of the day, we are in business to take care of our people, our clients, and their assets. Eliminating painful industry standards like the "change order mentality" often present in the construction industry is just one more way that era lives up to our promise of putting above all else...service.